January 25, 2017
We live in a fast-paced environment where time management is key to many aspects of our day-to-day lives. With that said, there are many laser eye surgery centres that will try to offer a quick screening assessment for you to help save on time which equates to more cost savings for them and then plan treatment based on those findings. But we strongly suggest you don’t rush into getting a quick assessment that may not really assess how safe you really are to have laser eye surgery.
As a corneal specialist who has years of refractive laser surgery experience, I can say that there are so many conditions that can affect how good of a candidate you really are for laser surgery. Getting a thorough assessment of the cornea and the rest of the eye is extremely important to be certain it makes sense to do elective surgery on your eyes.
Your eyes are precious. Please take your time to better understand how healthy they really are by a corneal specialist who really understands the intricacies of your eyes. After all, laser surgery is a procedure done to the cornea. Only a corneal specialist with years of refractive surgery experience can really give you the best assessment of how safe your eyes really are for laser surgery.
We think of the laser eye surgery process as a journey. The destination: incredible vision. Getting you to that destination requires an excellent pathway and compass to guide you there.
Your compass here is only as good as a clinic’s initial consultation and screening program. The measurements, images, and data collected from the consultation help to design a specific treatment plan that can be programmed into the laser platform to ensure we achieve the best outcome.
To get all the information necessary to make the best treatment plan, we would require about 2-3 hours of assessment using various technologies at Clarity Laser Vision. Ultimately what we care most about is ensuring you are truly safe to have surgery on your eyes.